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CMIP6 (165941)
AerChemMIP (14690)
C4MIP (4231)
CDRMIP (1079)
CMIP (24059)
DAMIP (42805)
FAFMIP (1509)
LUMIP (11600)
OMIP (375)
PMIP (590)
RFMIP (1257)
ScenarioMIP (79174)
model-output (165941)
Source ID
ACCESS-CM2 (19209)
ACCESS-ESM1-5 (146357)
ACCESS-OM2 (280)
ACCESS-OM2-025 (95)
Institution ID
CSIRO (146357)
Source Type
AGCM (4327)
AOGCM (161239)
BGC (16473)
OGCM (375)
Nominal Resolution
100 km (280)
25 km (95)
250 km (165566)
Experiment ID
1pctCO2 (552)
1pctCO2-bgc (214)
1pctCO2-cdr (115)
1pctCO2-rad (214)
abrupt-4xCO2 (827)
amip (3070)
esm-1pct-brch-1000PgC (246)
esm-1pct-brch-2000PgC (246)
esm-1pct-brch-750PgC (246)
esm-hist (3300)
esm-pi-CO2pulse (113)
esm-pi-cdr-pulse (113)
esm-piControl (324)
esm-ssp585 (2621)
esm-ssp585-ssp126Lu (2630)
faf-all (215)
faf-heat (216)
faf-heat-NA0pct (215)
faf-heat-NA50pct (215)
faf-passiveheat (216)
faf-stress (216)
faf-water (216)
hist-GHG (4795)
hist-aer (1440)
hist-bgc (222)
hist-nat (1440)
hist-noLu (3110)
historical (15326)
lig127k (162)
midHolocene (169)
omip2 (239)
omip2-spunup (136)
past1000 (259)
piClim-4xCO2 (228)
piClim-aer (228)
piClim-anthro (228)
piClim-control (228)
piClim-ghg (228)
piClim-lu (117)
piControl (660)
ssp126 (15644)
ssp126-ssp370Lu (2930)
ssp245 (14162)
ssp245-cov-fossil (8790)
ssp245-cov-modgreen (8790)
ssp245-cov-strgreen (8790)
ssp245-covid (8760)
ssp370 (14234)
ssp370-ssp126Lu (2930)
ssp534-over (20780)
ssp585 (14354)
ssp585-bgc (222)
Variant Label
r10i1p1f1 (6365)
r10i1p1f2 (294)
r11i1p1f1 (2652)
r11i1p1f2 (294)
r12i1p1f1 (2652)
r12i1p1f2 (588)
r13i1p1f1 (2948)
r13i1p1f2 (588)
r14i1p1f1 (2948)
r14i1p1f2 (588)
r15i1p1f1 (2948)
r15i1p1f2 (588)
r16i1p1f1 (2948)
r16i1p1f2 (588)
r17i1p1f1 (2652)
r17i1p1f2 (588)
r18i1p1f1 (2652)
r18i1p1f2 (588)
r19i1p1f1 (2652)
r19i1p1f2 (588)
r1i1p1f1 (16008)
r1i1p1f2 (455)
r20i1p1f1 (2652)
r20i1p1f2 (588)
r21i1p1f1 (2645)
r21i1p1f2 (588)
r22i1p1f1 (2645)
r22i1p1f2 (588)
r23i1p1f1 (2645)
r23i1p1f2 (588)
r24i1p1f1 (2645)
r24i1p1f2 (588)
r25i1p1f1 (2645)
r25i1p1f2 (588)
r26i1p1f1 (2646)
r26i1p1f2 (588)
r27i1p1f1 (2645)
r27i1p1f2 (588)
r28i1p1f1 (2645)
r28i1p1f2 (588)
r29i1p1f1 (2662)
r29i1p1f2 (588)
r2i1p1f1 (7735)
r2i1p1f2 (456)
r30i1p1f1 (2645)
r30i1p1f2 (588)
r31i1p1f1 (1491)
r31i1p1f2 (588)
r32i1p1f1 (1491)
r32i1p1f2 (588)
r33i1p1f1 (1491)
r33i1p1f2 (588)
r34i1p1f1 (1491)
r34i1p1f2 (588)
r35i1p1f1 (1491)
r35i1p1f2 (588)
r36i1p1f1 (1491)
r36i1p1f2 (588)
r37i1p1f1 (1491)
r37i1p1f2 (588)
r38i1p1f1 (1491)
r38i1p1f2 (549)
r39i1p1f1 (1491)
r39i1p1f2 (588)
r3i1p1f1 (7449)
r3i1p1f2 (456)
r40i1p1f1 (1491)
r40i1p1f2 (588)
r4i1p1f1 (6797)
r4i1p1f2 (294)
r5i1p1f1 (6345)
r5i1p1f2 (294)
r6i1p1f1 (6414)
r6i1p1f2 (294)
r7i1p1f1 (6366)
r7i1p1f2 (294)
r8i1p1f1 (6365)
r8i1p1f2 (294)
r9i1p1f1 (6283)
r9i1p1f2 (294)
Grid Label
gn (165941)
Table ID
3hr (1084)
6hrLev (226)
6hrPlevPt (298)
AERmon (1236)
Amon (29198)
CF3hr (25)
CFmon (117)
E3hr (20)
Eday (1905)
EdayZ (55)
Efx (77)
Emon (20582)
Eyr (3871)
LImon (2220)
Lmon (16135)
Oclim (41)
Oday (753)
Ofx (3969)
Omon (37513)
Oyr (5247)
SIday (491)
SImon (20789)
day (17129)
fx (2960)
3hr (795)
3hrPt (334)
6hrPt (524)
day (20333)
fx (7006)
mon (126062)
monC (1215)
monPt (554)
yr (8566)
yrPt (552)
aerosol (1230)
atmos (50872)
land (43113)
landIce (2727)
ocean (31227)
ocnBgchem (15492)
seaIce (21280)
abs550aer (24)
agessc (555)
albisccp (14)
arag (925)
areacella (592)
areacello (567)
baresoilFrac (1145)
basin (567)
bigthetao (131)
bigthetaoga (131)
c3PftFrac (592)
c4PftFrac (592)
cCwd (462)
cLand (501)
cLeaf (489)
cLitter (510)
cProduct (496)
cRoot (489)
cSoil (510)
cSoilFast (462)
cSoilMedium (462)
cSoilSlow (462)
cVeg (510)
cWood (462)
chl (946)
chlos (118)
ci (82)
cl (589)
cli (587)
clivi (592)
clt (1137)
cltisccp (14)
clw (589)
co2 (25)
co23D (34)
cropFrac (1145)
cropFracC3 (592)
deptho (567)
detoc (928)
detocos (41)
dfe (876)
dfeos (475)
difvho (54)
difvso (3)
dissic (946)
dissicnat (494)
dissicnatos (94)
dissicos (95)
eparag100 (491)
epc100 (494)
evs (529)
evspsbl (592)
evspsblsoi (564)
fBNF (481)
fDeforestToProduct (474)
fNdep (481)
fNgas (471)
fNleach (471)
fNloss (481)
fNnetmin (481)
fNup (481)
fProductDecomp (474)
fgco2 (564)
fgco2nat (545)
fgo2 (491)
fracLut (1135)
friver (529)
fsitherm (554)
gpp (530)
grassFrac (1145)
grassFracC3 (592)
grassFracC4 (592)
hfbasin (3)
hfbasinpadv (3)
hfbasinpmadv (134)
hfds (563)
hfdsn (394)
hfevapds (529)
hfls (1182)
hflso (529)
hfrainds (529)
hfsifrazil (555)
hfss (1182)
hfsso (529)
htovgyre (526)
htovovrt (526)
hur (1121)
hurs (1129)
hursmax (537)
hursmin (542)
hus (1163)
huss (1205)
intpp (494)
intuaw (519)
intvaw (519)
lai (973)
landCoverFrac (537)
masscello (1122)
masso (554)
mc (142)
mfo (528)
mlotst (566)
mmraerh2o (14)
mmrbc (14)
mmrdust (14)
mmroa (14)
mmrso4 (14)
mmrss (14)
mrfso (564)
mrlso (485)
mrro (1122)
mrros (567)
mrsfl (957)
mrsll (957)
mrso (1133)
mrsol (1036)
mrsos (94)
msftbarot (551)
msftmrho (514)
msftmz (567)
msftyrho (124)
msftyz (144)
nLand (485)
nLitter (485)
nMineral (483)
nProduct (474)
nSoil (485)
nVeg (485)
nbp (507)
nep (465)
no3 (943)
no3os (475)
npp (510)
nwdFracLut (583)
o2 (946)
o2os (475)
obvfsq (109)
ocontempdiff (25)
ocontempmint (13)
ocontemppadvect (23)
ocontemppmdiff (23)
ocontemppsmadvect (25)
ocontemprmadvect (53)
ocontemptend (25)
od440aer (479)
od550aer (481)
od550lt1aer (14)
omldamax (77)
opottempmint (15)
orog (690)
osaltdiff (25)
osaltpadvect (23)
osaltpmdiff (23)
osaltpsmadvect (25)
osaltrmadvect (53)
osalttend (25)
pabigthetao (7)
pbo (554)
pctisccp (14)
pfull (619)
phalf (614)
phycos (118)
phynos (46)
po4 (945)
po4os (95)
pr (1246)
prbigthetao (7)
prc (1134)
prra (529)
prsn (1666)
prw (592)
ps (719)
psl (1201)
pso (554)
ra (494)
residualFrac (580)
rh (510)
rlds (1137)
rldscs (646)
rlntds (529)
rls (519)
rlus (1130)
rlut (1113)
rlutcs (592)
rsdoabsorb (22)
rsds (1146)
rsdscs (648)
rsdsdiff (23)
rsdt (590)
rsntds (529)
rss (519)
rsus (1155)
rsuscs (669)
rsut (593)
rsutcs (593)
rtmt (592)
rv850 (23)
sbl (666)
sci (588)
sfcWind (1161)
sfcWindmax (486)
sfriver (554)
sftgif (1184)
sftlf (592)
sftof (567)
shrubFrac (1147)
siage (69)
siareaacrossline (555)
siarean (556)
siareas (556)
sicompstren (553)
siconc (637)
siconca (660)
sidconcdyn (69)
sidconcth (69)
sidivvel (554)
sidmassdyn (69)
sidmassevapsubl (555)
sidmassgrowthbot (69)
sidmassgrowthwat (69)
sidmasslat (69)
sidmassmeltbot (69)
sidmassmelttop (69)
sidmasssi (69)
sidmassth (69)
sidmasstranx (553)
sidmasstrany (553)
siextentn (556)
siextents (556)
sifb (69)
siflcondbot (69)
siflcondtop (69)
siflfwbot (553)
sifllatstop (557)
sifllwdtop (70)
sifllwutop (70)
siflsenstop (70)
siflsensupbot (553)
siflswdtop (70)
siflswutop (70)
sihc (69)
simass (565)
simassacrossline (556)
simpconc (69)
sipr (555)
sisnconc (555)
sisnhc (69)
sisnmass (565)
sisnthick (609)
sispeed (607)
sistrxdtop (553)
sistrxubot (553)
sistrydtop (553)
sistryubot (553)
sitempbot (69)
sitemptop (123)
sithick (618)
siu (616)
siv (616)
sivol (556)
sivoln (556)
sivols (556)
sltovgyre (526)
sltovovrt (526)
sndmassdyn (69)
sndmassmelt (69)
sndmasssi (69)
sndmasssnf (555)
snm (578)
snmassacrossline (554)
snw (1089)
so (567)
sob (134)
soga (554)
somint (40)
sos (569)
sosga (109)
sossq (6)
spco2 (496)
spco2nat (96)
ta (1208)
talk (950)
talkos (95)
tas (1252)
tasmax (1181)
tasmin (1181)
tauu (592)
tauuo (109)
tauv (592)
tauvo (109)
thetao (567)
thetaoga (561)
thkcello (1017)
tob (554)
tos (1105)
tosga (134)
tossq (567)
treeFrac (1145)
treeFracBdlDcd (592)
treeFracBdlEvg (592)
treeFracNdlDcd (592)
treeFracNdlEvg (592)
ts (623)
tsl (569)
ua (1204)
uas (1134)
umo (530)
uo (567)
va (1221)
vas (1135)
vegFrac (1145)
vegHeight (568)
vmo (530)
vo (567)
volcello (657)
volo (554)
wap (1097)
wetlandFrac (592)
wfo (561)
wmo (555)
wo (232)
zfull (592)
zg (1027)
zg500 (44)
zooc (754)
zoocos (41)
zos (566)
zossq (424)
zostoga (562)
CF Standard Name
3d-field of transported co2 (34)
aerosol sulfate mass mixing ratio (14)
aerosol water mass mixing ratio (14)
age of sea ice (69)
air pressure (1233)
air pressure at cloud top (14)
air temperature (4822)
ambient aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550nm (24)
ambient aerosol optical thickness at 440nm (479)
ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550nm (481)
ambient fine aerosol optical depth at 550nm (14)
area fraction (15696)
atmosphere mass content of cloud ice (592)
atmosphere mass content of water vapor (592)
atmosphere net upward convective mass flux (142)
atmosphere relative vorticity (23)
biological nitrogen fixation (481)
canopy height (568)
carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to autotrophic (plant) respiration on land (494)
carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to heterotrophic respiration on land (510)
carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to gross primary production on land (530)
carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to net primary production on land (510)
carbon mass in coarse woody debris (462)
carbon mass in fast soil pool (462)
carbon mass in leaves (489)
carbon mass in litter pool (510)
carbon mass in medium soil pool (462)
carbon mass in model soil pool (510)
carbon mass in products of land-use change (496)
carbon mass in roots (489)
carbon mass in slow soil pool (462)
carbon mass in wood (462)
cell area (1159)
cell thickness (1017)
cloud albedo (14)
cloud area fraction (1151)
cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (589)
compressive strength of sea ice (553)
convection time fraction (82)
convective precipitation flux (1134)
decomposition out of product pools to co2 in atmosphere (474)
deforested biomass that goes into product pool as a result of anthropogenic land-use change (474)
depth integral of product of sea water density and conservative temperature (13)
depth integral of product of sea water density and prognostic salinity (40)
divergence of sea ice velocity (554)
dry and wet deposition of reactive nitrogen onto land (481)
dust aerosol mass mixing ratio (14)
eastward atmosphere water transport across unit distance (519)
eastward wind (2338)
elemental carbon mass mixing ratio (14)
evaporation including sublimation and transpiration (592)
frozen water content of soil layer (957)
geopotential height (1071)
global average sea water conservative temperature (131)
global average thermosteric sea level change (562)
heat flux into sea water due to freezing of frazil ice (555)
height above reference ellipsoid (592)
integral with respect to depth of product of sea water density and potential temperature (15)
lagrangian tendency of air pressure (1097)
land area fraction (592)
land ice area fraction (1184)
lateral sea ice melt rate (69)
leaf area index (973)
liquid water content of soil layer (1442)
liquid water content of surface snow (565)
mass concentration of phytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (1064)
mass fraction of cloud ice in air (587)
mass fraction of cloud liquid water in air (589)
mineral nitrogen in the soil (483)
moisture in upper portion of soil column (94)
mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water (925)
mole concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water (1041)
mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water (1351)
mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water (1421)
mole concentration of nitrate in sea water (1418)
mole concentration of organic detritus expressed as carbon in sea water (969)
mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (118)
mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as nitrogen in sea water (46)
mole concentration of zooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (795)
mole fraction of carbon dioxide in air (25)
natural dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (494)
natural surface aqueous partial pressure of co2 (96)
net conductive heat fluxes in ice at the bottom (69)
net downward radiative flux at top of atmosphere model (592)
net downward shortwave flux at sea water surface (529)
net nitrogen release from soil and litter as the outcome of nitrogen immobilisation and gross mineralisation (481)
net rate of absorption of shortwave energy in ocean layer (22)
nitrogen mass in litter pool (485)
nitrogen mass in products of land-use change (474)
nitrogen mass in soil pool (485)
nitrogen mass in vegetation (485)
northward atmosphere water transport across unit distance (519)
northward ocean heat transport (3)
northward ocean heat transport due to gyre (526)
northward ocean heat transport due to overturning (526)
northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized eddy advection (3)
northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale advection (134)
northward ocean salt transport due to gyre (526)
northward ocean salt transport due to overturning (526)
northward wind (2356)
ocean barotropic mass streamfunction (551)
ocean mass x transport (530)
ocean mass y transport (530)
ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction (1081)
ocean mixed layer thickness defined by mixing scheme (77)
ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t (566)
ocean vertical heat diffusivity (54)
ocean vertical salt diffusivity (3)
ocean volume (657)
ocean y overturning mass streamfunction (268)
precipitation flux (1246)
primary organic carbon production by all types of phytoplankton (494)
rainfall flux (1084)
region (567)
relative humidity (3329)
runoff flux (1122)
salt flux into sea water from rivers (554)
sea-ice area flux through straits (555)
sea-ice heat content per unit area (69)
sea-ice mass change from dynamics (69)
sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics (69)
sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation (555)
sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion (69)
sea-salt aerosol mass mixing ratio (14)
sea area fraction (567)
sea floor depth below geoid (567)
sea ice amount (565)
sea ice area (1112)
sea ice area fraction (1297)
sea ice extent (1112)
sea ice freeboard (69)
sea ice speed (607)
sea ice surface temperature (123)
sea ice thickness (1174)
sea ice transport across line (556)
sea ice volume (1112)
sea ice x transport (553)
sea ice x velocity (616)
sea ice y transport (553)
sea ice y velocity (616)
sea level pressure (1201)
sea surface height above geoid (566)
sea surface salinity (678)
sea surface temperature (1239)
sea water added conservative temperature (7)
sea water age since surface contact (555)
sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent (1045)
sea water conservative temperature (131)
sea water mass (554)
sea water mass per unit area (1122)
sea water potential temperature (1128)
sea water potential temperature at sea floor (554)
sea water pressure at sea floor (554)
sea water pressure at sea water surface (554)
sea water redistributed conservative temperature (7)
sea water salinity (1121)
sea water salinity at sea floor (134)
sea water transport across line (528)
sea water volume (554)
sea water x velocity (567)
sea water y velocity (567)
shallow convection time fraction (588)
sinking mole flux of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water (491)
sinking mole flux of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water (494)
snow mass flux through straits (554)
snow mass rate of change through advection by sea-ice dynamics (69)
snow mass rate of change through snow-to-ice conversion (69)
snowfall flux (2221)
soil frozen water content (564)
soil temperature (569)
specific humidity (2368)
square of brunt vaisala frequency in sea water (109)
square of sea surface height above geoid (424)
square of sea surface salinity (6)
square of sea surface temperature (567)
surface air pressure (719)
surface altitude (690)
surface diffuse downwelling shortwave flux in air (23)
surface downward eastward stress (592)
surface downward flux of natural co2 (545)
surface downward heat flux in sea water (563)
surface downward heat flux in snow (394)
surface downward latent heat flux (529)
surface downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon (564)
surface downward mole flux of molecular oxygen (491)
surface downward northward stress (592)
surface downward sensible heat flux (598)
surface downward x stress (662)
surface downward y stress (662)
surface downwelling longwave flux in air (1207)
surface downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (646)
surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (1216)
surface downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (648)
surface natural dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (94)
surface net downward longwave flux (1048)
surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes (507)
surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes excluding anthropogenic land use change (465)
surface net downward shortwave flux (519)
surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide in sea water (496)
surface runoff flux (567)
surface snow amount (1089)
surface snow and ice sublimation flux (666)
surface snow area fraction (555)
surface snow melt flux (647)
surface snow thickness (609)
surface temperature (623)
surface total dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentration (95)
surface upward latent heat flux (1739)
surface upward sensible heat flux (1252)
surface upwelling longwave flux in air (1200)
surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (1225)
surface upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (669)
temperature at ice-ocean interface (69)
temperature flux due to evaporation expressed as heat flux out of sea water (529)
temperature flux due to rainfall expressed as heat flux into sea water (529)
tendency of sea ice amount due to basal melting (69)
tendency of sea ice amount due to congelation ice accumulation (69)
tendency of sea ice amount due to frazil ice accumulation in leads (69)
tendency of sea ice amount due to surface melting (69)
tendency of sea ice area fraction due to dynamics (69)
tendency of sea ice area fraction due to thermodynamics (69)
tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content (25)
tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized dianeutral mixing (25)
tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy advection (23)
tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (23)
tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized submesoscale advection (25)
tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to residual mean advection (53)
tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content (25)
tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized dianeutral mixing (25)
tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized eddy advection (23)
tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (23)
tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized submesoscale advection (25)
tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to residual mean advection (53)
thermal energy content of surface snow (69)
toa incoming shortwave flux (590)
toa outgoing longwave flux (1113)
toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky (592)
toa outgoing shortwave flux (593)
toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky (593)
total carbon in all terrestrial carbon pools (501)
total dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentration (945)
total nitrogen in all terrestrial nitrogen pools (485)
total nitrogen loss to leaching or runoff (sum of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate) (471)
total nitrogen lost (including nhx, nox, n2o, n2 and leaching) (481)
total nitrogen lost to the atmosphere (sum of nhx, nox, n2o, n2) (471)
total organic aerosol mass mixing ratio (14)
total plant nitrogen uptake (sum of ammonium and nitrate) irrespective of the source of nitrogen (481)
total soil moisture content (1133)
total water content of soil layer (1036)
upward ocean mass transport (555)
upward sea ice basal heat flux (553)
upward sea water velocity (232)
upward x stress at sea ice base (553)
upward y stress at sea ice base (553)
vegetation carbon content (510)
water evaporation flux from soil (564)
water evaporation flux where ice free ocean over sea (529)
water flux into sea water (561)
water flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (1107)
water flux into sea water from rivers (529)
wind speed (1647)
Data Node (165941)
WARNING: Not all models include a variant 'r1i1p1f1' and across models, identical values of variant_label do not imply identical variants! To learn which forcing datasets were used in each variant, please check modeling group publications and documentation provided through ES-DOC.
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